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In 2024, every business understands that cybersecurity is a major risk. C-suite executives know that the threat is real but, are all threats created equal? Absolutely not.

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penetration testing

The Power of Penetration Testing: Banking on Solid Results

In the rapidly evolving landscape of today’s digital world, cybersecurity has become an indispensable aspect of every organization’s strategy. One crucial tool in the cybersecurity arsenal is penetration testing, a proactive approach that plays a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities and fortifying your digital defenses. In this brief read, we will explore why penetration testing… Read More »The Power of Penetration Testing: Banking on Solid Results

Keep An Eye on The New Email Thread Hijacking Malware Campaign

QBot Malware is a Global Threat Kaspersky, a popular Russian anti-virus provider, has recently identified the latest QBot malware campaign. The campaign leverages hijacked business correspondence to trick its victims into installing the malware. This campaign has been actively targeting users, mostly from Europe, South America, and the United States, making it a global threat.… Read More »Keep An Eye on The New Email Thread Hijacking Malware Campaign

Why Businesses are Moving to Cloud Security

The Move Towards Digitalization Businesses are moving towards increased digitalization and cloud computing for several reasons, the most important being the security of your business’s data. Businesses can make use of cloud security to protect their confidential information and ensure that hackers are kept at bay. Let’s explore why cloud security is so important. Why… Read More »Why Businesses are Moving to Cloud Security