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Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 2, Security & Privacy by Design

In our second installment, we’ll cover the next phase in the lifecycle, Design.  Keep in mind, depending upon your circumstance, you could enter the lifecycle at any stage.  This installment title does not contain just a catchy subtitle but actual requirements under law in legislation like the European Union’s The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)… Read More »Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 2, Security & Privacy by Design

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 1, Let’s Assess.

If dealing with COVID-19 and 100% remote workforce is not enough, businesses of all sizes and in all verticals are facing an exponentially more frequent and more sophisticated siege of cyberattacks.  However, for those small to mid-market businesses (SMBs), there is likely worse news. Bad actors/hackers/hacktivists/cybercriminals are targeting them specifically since there is a well-known weakness.  Most SMB organizations aren’t as well prepared to defend and respond.  Part of the reason… Read More »Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 1, Let’s Assess.

Manufacturers Industry Targeted: 156% Increase in Cyberattacks in Q1

A recent report shows that ransomware attacks were up 25 percent across all industries in Q1 of this year. No industry was safe but the manufacturing industry was shown to be the most at risk, with an increase in ransomware attacks of 156 percent. Not only are cyberattacks on manufacturers and fabricators skyrocketing but the… Read More »Manufacturers Industry Targeted: 156% Increase in Cyberattacks in Q1

White House Blames China for Increased Hacks on Medical Institutions

The coronavirus has exposed many of the vulnerabilities of our country and unfortunately the number of bad actors looking to exploit those vulnerabilities has only risen due to the crisis. The White House and the Department of Justice has blamed China and Russia for trying to steal research related to COVID-19 from the Department of… Read More »White House Blames China for Increased Hacks on Medical Institutions

Security Note: Covid-19 SMS Phishing Attacks Exploiting the Crisis

This a security note on TEXT SCAMS with a COVID19 theme. (By the way, these are also called ‘SMS phishing’ or smishing attacks.) Now is the time to be more cautious about scams than ever before. The Pandemic has raised sanitation awareness and emphasized safe practices to minimize the spread of germs / viruses. However,… Read More »Security Note: Covid-19 SMS Phishing Attacks Exploiting the Crisis

Corporate Directors Finally Forced to Consider Data Protection Due to Coronavirus

It is an unfortunate reality that executives at most companies only start to care about cybersecurity when something has already gone wrong. That seems to be the case now as the Wall Street Journal reports that as cyber threats increase drastically due to workforces going remote, executives across the country are now being forced into… Read More »Corporate Directors Finally Forced to Consider Data Protection Due to Coronavirus

Zoom – A Cautionary Tale in Remote Working

We’ve talked about how the rapid pivot to remote work has introduced a tremendous amount of new cybersecurity risks to companies. Teleconferencing has become an absolute necessity and some of the more popular teleconferencing applications have ran into widespread issues due to being overwhelmed by the volume of users. This has opened the door for… Read More »Zoom – A Cautionary Tale in Remote Working

Covid-19 – Business Continuity Management

Businesses all across the country are facing serious disruptions due to the effects of the Coronavirus. Companies are all still grappling with the myriad of issues the pandemic has caused, including how to ensure the security of sensitive data, systems and proprietary processes. Many companies simply were not prepared for the challenges this crisis presented… Read More »Covid-19 – Business Continuity Management

Coronavirus: Working from Home Cybersecurity Tips

The widespread disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic is hitting small and medium sized businesses hardest. Workers across the world are now working remotely at a scale never before seen. This of course brings challenges but also vulnerabilities. With staff out of the office, there is much less control over your cybersecurity. In your office… Read More »Coronavirus: Working from Home Cybersecurity Tips